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Graphics programming
Modular Interface Programming
High Level Language Programming
Device Driver Programming
Database Programming
Software Test
User Interface Development

Graphics Programming
Graphics programming in OpenGL or DirectX
Modular Interface Programming
Development of remote procedure calls in COM, Corba, or Sockets

Development of ActiveX controls

Building / Rebuilding of Static and Dynamic Libraries

Refactoring and Class Library Development

High Level Language Programming
Application programming in the following languages: C, C++, C#, Python, Pascal.

Device Driver Development
Device driver development in c.

Database Programming
Old fashioned database development: Informix, DBase IV, Access, C-Tree, ISAM,  etc.
Software Test
Functional Test ( Programmer Test )
       Unit Test (Test to Design at the Modular Interface Level)
       Requirements Test (Currently I am only doing OpenGL Conformance Testing)
Static and Dynamic Analysis
User Interface Development
Graphical User Interface development with any of the following technologies:  MFC, ATL, and/or  Widgets



Home ] Graphics programming ] Modular Interface Programming ] High Level Language Programming ] Device Driver Programming ] Database Programming ] Software Test ] User Interface Development ]

Send mail to john@cosoftech.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 07/27/09