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High level language programming
- C++ programming
- Fifteen years of c++ application level programming.
- C programming
- Four years of c programming.
- C# programming
- One year of c# programming.
- Python
- Full application level programming capability using python and pyWidgets.
This is total open Source capability Featuring downloads from SourceForge,
Eclipse, Widgets, Python etc.
- Pascal
- Two years of Pascal programming: driver development and driver test.
- Scheme
- Developed artificial intelligence
algorithms for automatically generating test vectors for VLSI chips as part
of Automatic Test Equipment expert system
Reference Accounts
- References C++
- U-Systems, Sarnoff, Barco, Shure Labs, Stereotaxis, EFW, Abbott Labs,
- Seimens, Motorola, AMR, Alcon Labs
- References C
- Device driver for BARCO
- BSP code for EFW
- Samples and Examples for U-Systems
- References C#
- Test code for EFW
- Test code for U-Systems
- Reference Python
- Bug fixes and enhancements for Sarnoff
- References Pascal
- Device driver for Texas Instruments
- Driver Test programming for E-Systems