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Custom Visual Testing
Mobius Brick Shader Texture and Mandelbrot OpenGL EC-SC driver Component Object Model Custom Visual Testing


[Under Construction]


  A. Functional testing.


What we are looking at here is a technique which I created for exhaustively and interactive testing a component.

On the left is a block diagram of some system to be tested.

The diagram is alive in the sense that clicking on any visual object forms a logical connection between the test panel on the right and the actual physical component, which is of course not shown.



I'm not actually testing the real time box on the left with this panel shown on the right. I simply want to illustrate the concept.  I'm actually testing a single unit of the software [the OpenGL driver c code] with a Graphical User Interface which is attached to a modified version of the OpenGL conformance test.  After the unit test is run, the unit is integrated into the software on the device shown.


C.  A simulated test interface running against a simulated device.  What you see below is just a picture of the device to be tested.  What I am testing in this case is a user interface to that box.  This is backwards from the previous examples.  I am using a simulated real time device to test an actual Graphical User Interface control software.




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Last modified: 07/27/09