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OpenGL EC-SC driver
Mobius Brick Shader Texture and Mandelbrot OpenGL EC-SC driver Component Object Model Custom Visual Testing


[Under Construction]


BARCO, INC. December 2006 – June 2008, c, c++, OpenGL, Consulting Programmer

Develop an OpenGL graphics driver.  Duluth, GA.

  • Client Side Display Lists

Designed and wrote an implementation of a safety critical version of the OpenGL display lists capability.  The native Display List functionality for our graphics card utilizes list architecture with memory management on the server side [GPU].  This functionality is not allowed for our avionics application.  I have rewritten this code to use finite arrays OpenGL client side.

  • Segment Swapping Algorithm

Designed and wrote code implementing an algorithm to change the order of execution for segments of code within a display list.  The algorithm slices the code into segments, creates a tree representing the segment structure, and traverses the tree according to a set of reversal operations.

  • Saved Display Lists, Decoding and Encoding, OpenGL does not provide for the saving of Compiled display lists.  A customer enhancement of a previous driver captured the compiled display lists and saved them to a file.

Designed and wrote code implementing an algorithm to parse the binary of a compiled and saved display list.  The display list had been compiled for a different graphics card, so it was necessary to regenerate the OpenGL commands and recompile them for the new graphics card.

  • Vertex Arrays

The tricky part was making it work with display lists.  I expanded my test frame to test functions against the ATI driver and the Barco Driver.

(The upper left openGL display is a vector font library stored as a series of vertex arrays stored in a saved precompiled display list; a customer openGL extension provides saving precompiled display lists)

 Vertex arrays at work

  • Read Pixel

Wrote read pixel code, this task involves locating memory mapped chip address in local address space and converting chip format data to standard GL types

Figure out what the actual addresses are for the frame buffer memory.  Enable the pipeline bypass to do direct memory reads.


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Last modified: 07/27/09